Heroes in out midst


Dear editor,

We see them every day, we shake their hands and say, “Thank you for our service.” We see the caps and bumper stickers that they proudly wear and display, but do we realize the sacrifices that they have made for our country?

Many of them are combat war veterans who want nothing more to do but to go on with their lives and leave the past behind them. Many, as I, have never tasted the bitterness of war, but sacrifice none the less. The truth us that there are heroes in our midst that we never know about. They walk among us every day with the bitterness and the horrors of war still embedded in their minds that will never go away.

As the Veterans County Service Officer, I had the privilege of listening to some heartbreaking accounts of war from some of our local war veterans and even shedding a tear with them. The truth is that there are heroes in our midst. Their DD214s reflects the medals of very high esteem. Medals like the Silver Cross, the Bronze Star, Purple Heart and others indicate that they fought under extreme hostile conditions and emerge heroes for their acts of bravery and gallantry. One may not realize it just by looking at their caps and bumper stickers, but as you gaze upon a veteran on Veterans Day and every day and say, “Thank you for your service,” please be mindful that there are heroes in our midst.


David B. Tucy MSG (R)

Gonzales Veterans County Service Officer
