Response to Fear 2016


The point of this editorial can be easily be turned exactly the opposite. Mr. Torres expressed being afraid to step on the toes of Trump supporters, but my wife and I had the same problem with Clinton supporters. It is by no means one-sided. Although you must admit that the Trump supporters were certainly the object of more name-calling, such as Deplorables. The quote “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do something” could actually be construed as the rallying cry for Trump supporters, who came together to vote in numbers not expected by the liberal media.

Describing Trump as a reality star is certainly trying to put a person in a little box to define him as one dimensional to make your opinion of him seem justified. President-Elect Trump is a very successful businessman that wants to make this nation great again and we voted for him for that reason.

As Mr. Torres stated about Mr. Trump that there were many things he disagreed with, there are many things that we disagreed with about Hillary Clinton. Her lack of moral fabric and honesty made many people fearful of the direction she would lead this country. And we, as Americans, want to retain the individuality of our country, and not become part of a nebulous global plan.

As far as talking to someone about Trump and things being deflected back about Clinton, that is dialogue. If only you get to say something, and the other person not being allowed to respond, that is shutting down the other person’s rights to defend their stance on an issue.

As for mass deportation, if you came to this country illegally, you should be deported because you broke the law of this country. My stepson married a girl from another country and it took about a year to be able to get her into this country legally. If you want to enter this country, do it legally. Once you have gained legal entry, abide by the laws of the United States and be proud of this country. Any other country, including Mexico, has laws against illegal immigration.

President-Elect Trump is not saying ban all Muslims coming to America but only the refugees coming until they are vetted. I have lived in the Middle East and their governments do not let just anyone from another country come in and work. Canada does not let anyone come into their country to work without a special permit.

As for the race issue, Obama was endorsed by the Black Panthers, therefore what is the difference. There is none. I will write that again, Obama was endorsed by the Black Panthers.

Get over thinking “that you are black that anyone thinks less of you.” The majority of Americans don’t care if you are black, red, brown, yellow as long as you obey the laws and realize that no one, and this includes the U.S. government, owes you anything except a chance to work hard. It is up to you and only you if you fail or succeed.

Frank and Beverly Thomas
