Reader responds to poll question


My first response based on the intended audience is D (unchristian) however the correct response is also C (unconstitutional).

I've had the opportunity to visit one of the organizations whose mission is to help people from other countries come to the U.S., following multiple security checks and double checks and whose only goal is to achieve a better, safer life for themselves and their family.

It appeared to be an overwhelming venture but one that was being accomplished by the agency one-by-one from flying families who had been "cleared" after all the vetting to America, to then providing them housing and help needed to find any possible job to start the required repayment for the flight and monthly apartment rental and other expenses.

The family I was able to help in a relatively small way via a Wal-Mart gift card last Christmas was from Iraq, a young couple with two small children (one a baby) who at one point had been hiding/living under a bridge after ISIS destroyed their small village. They asked only for the basics that we all take for granted: clothes, a TV for their 1-bedroom apartment, etc., as they began to make a life in a completely new country which most of us are blessed to be born in without any effort.

This country has such abundance which God has given us the free choice to share, or not to share, to help those who are less fortunate. At one point in the book, "When Religion Becomes Evil" the author is asked, "Are you Christian?", and it occurs to him that the person may not be asking if he is a Christian, but are his actions Christian. There's a difference; and as our mothers said, a right way and a wrong way to get something accomplished.

Roxanna Brom
