Local says Limbaugh is off the mark


Dear Editor:

While selling the conservative mythology that all science is a hoax, Rush Limbaugh said, “See, in my humble opinion, folks, if you believe in God, then intellectually you cannot believe in manmade global warming … You must be either agnostic or atheistic to believe that man controls something that he can’t create.”

Rush Limbaugh has apparently never met a farmer or a rancher. Every farmer that tills the soil and plants a crop controls something they did not create.

Every rancher that raises a calf from birth to market controls something they did not create.

For that matter every manufacturer that lifts iron ore from the earth and turns it into a Chevy or a Buick controls something they did not create.

From Rush Limbaugh’s perspective every farmer, rancher and manufacturer must be an agnostic or an atheist. It has always amazed me that Limbaugh’s loyal legions will buy into his nonsense no matter how blatantly wrong he is.

What amazes me even more is that Mr. Limbaugh’s disciples who do claim to believe in God are not offended when he signs God’s name to obvious falsehoods.

If Mr. Limbaugh had taken the time to read even the very first chapter of the very first book of The Bible {Genesis 1,verse 26} he would have seen that God gave man dominion over all the Earth. Had he read a little more {Genesis 9, verse 1} he might have noted that, after the flood, God charged man with the task of replenishing the Earth.

So long as Mr. Limbaugh can reap millions of dollars from his legions by selling his false religion of conservatism, he has no interest in studying the actual word of God, and his legions seem quite happy to let him blaspheme all the way to the bank.

Ken Mosher, II

Gonzales County

Democratic Party Chair
