No honor, no glory


Mr. Mundy, in response to your article in last week’s paper, I’d like to offer a view of my own. You asked the question, “Why is there no outrage over black on black violence?” I ask this question, “Why does there have to be a label or distinction put on violence?” People of all races kill one another. I guess when you think about it, we have Cain to thank for that.

You also ask the hypothetical question, “What if Brown had been killed by black gang members?” Well the fact is he wasn’t. He was unarmed and killed by a white police officer. Now let me ask a hypothetical question. “If a black policeman had killed a white unarmed teenage boy do you at least think that there would have been an indictment?”

You really made Brown’s mother seem to be unfit by saying that she had no parenting skills because he lived with his grandmother. I’m sure that you must have researched that thoroughly because I’m wondering how you know anything about her household. Even if Brown was raised by his grandmother, there may have been other circumstances that you know nothing about. For you to attack his mother like that was unwarranted and unprofessional. It leaves little doubt as to how you were raised.

You said so many hateful things in your column, but I do agree that people must take responsibility for themselves. I also think that police officers should take the responsibility to use good judgment when confronted with a situation. In my view, it is a cowardly act for a police officer to kill an unarmed person, especially when there are so many other ways to diffuse a situation. Those who are afraid and make the decision to use deadly force on unarmed people should decide whether they are capable of making a rational decision and truly cut out to be a police officer.

In conclusion, I would like to ask one more question. Our police officers are supposed to be held in high regards, honored, respected, glorified and heroic. “Where are the honor, glory and heroics in killing unarmed people?”


David B. Tucy

