First-hand take on border situation


Ms. Reddell,

Bravo to you for your most recent editorial regarding securing our border.  I've been waiting for years for a civilian to "get it".  I spent seven frustrating years as a US Border Patrol Agent in Texas.  From my professional experience, I can say emphatically that as long as conditions are better in the US than in Central and South America, people will illegally cross our border.  It doesn't matter how many fences, cameras and drones you deploy, oh, and state officers and National Guardsmen, too.  They will come.  Reminds me of that line by an invisible voice in Kevin Costner's Field of Dreams, "If you build it, he will come."  We law-abiding, tax-paying, God-fearing, liberty-loving, Americans have built a system of society that, while not perfect, is the envy of the world.  They will come.

As a certified Border Patrol Instructor, I taught immigration and nationality law to Border Patrol Academy Classes 565 and 578 in 2003-2004 at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center at Glynco, GA.  I can attest that our immigration laws are plenty strong to deal with our alien problem.  The only effective means of securing the US border is for the federal government to ENFORCE THE LAW!!!  All federal executive administrations in recent history, liberal AND conservative, have used immigration issues as a political tool for their own gain.  When it comes to illegal immigration, the federal executive branch is just not interested in enforcing the law.  There are plenty of dedicated men and women in the border patrol just itching to do their jobs and secure the American borders, but the politicians tie their hands.  If you want to keep your job in the Border Patrol, you do what the US President tells you.  You catch 'em, give 'em a notice to appear (which is rarely obeyed), and let 'em go.  We used to walk 'em by the dozen out the front doors of the Brownsville Border Patrol Station, papers in hand.  Where they went, nobody knows.  Sometimes we even had orders to drive them to the bus station so they could easily go farther into the interior of the US.  We don't need new laws.  We need to enforce the ones we have. 

Millions of illegal immigrants break US laws daily in this country and they are aided and abetted by the executive branch of the federal government.  Let me ask you a question:  If you don't pay your taxes, do you think the IRS will help you further your crime?  Ask Willie Nelson if the IRS helped him avoid paying his taxes?  No, the IRS will come and take everything you have and may even put you in prison until pay every last cent that you owe.  Yet the federal government assists millions of illegal immigrants in furthering their crimes and gets away with it.  The most recent executive action to pardon millions of illegal aliens was a crime directly perpetrated by the President against the US Constitution and the citizens of the United States.  It was a dereliction of his duty and an abdication of his oath of office.  If things don't change, it's because Americans like you and me don't demand that it change.  It will ultimately be our faults for electing crooks, Republican and Democrat alike, to federal office.

Dan Waddell

