Blessed to have Dr. Kim Strozier


You don’t have to know much about farming to know that any good farmer takes time to buy the best seed, plant the seed and wait for the rain to fall. Everything that the farmer does is geared toward one important event – HARVEST!

The same is true with our school system at Gonzales Independent School District (GISD). We look to harvest time or the end result of the planting and watering the seeds. What you put in to the children at GISD is what will come forth.

When working with people it is a lot like mining for gold. When you mine for gold, you must literally move tons of dirt to find a single ounce of gold, however, you do not go in looking for the dirt but you look for the gold.

It works the same way when you want to develop people to their full potential. You must look for the gold, and when you find it, refine it and shape it into that beautiful piece it was meant to be.

This is the goal of our school system; to give each student the opportunity to receive the best education to prepare them for the future. Have you ever noticed that students spend an average of about 35 hours a week in school or approximately 1,400 hours a year in school learning? Also they need to stay focused in class to achieve the intended goal. We all need to discover what talents each of us have and then pursue them.

Today I am most fortunate to have the honor to write about our school superintendent of GISD, Dr. Kim Strozier. But before I begin, I would like to share something that my father, Fred Droupy, said about Fred Havel, who was superintendent.

Mr. Havel started coming in the Hotel Alcalde back in the early 60s. He enjoyed listening to dad talk about politics and the Bible. It wasn’t long until dad saw the potential in Mr. Havel and encouraged him to put his name in for superintendent.  

Mr. A.O. Bird was about to retire so there was an opening. The school board voted Fred Havel in, unanimously, and he served the people from 1964-1983.  

In one of the school board meetings, my dad said that Fred Havel was the best superintendent GISD ever had. Mr. Havel and the administration began to build a foundation for the other superintendents to build on. It was built on excellence, honor and truth.                 

Now 50 years later after my dad made that statement about Mr. Havel, I would like to say the GISD has been graced by our Lord to give us another great superintendent, Dr. Kim Strozier. She has such a servant’s heart toward the students. Her compassion for the students is felt from the boardroom down to the students themselves.

Have you ever talked with someone and you just know they have your best interest at heart? Well that is Dr. Kim Strozier. Here is a lady who has had a vision from junior high into high school. She stayed focused on the goal. To quote Andrew Carnegie, “No one can become rich without himself enriching others.”

How blessed we are here in Gonzales to have the high caliber of knowledge, people skills and communication skills that Dr. Strozier has received and being implemented toward everyone she comes in contact with.

Remember the scripture in Matthew 22:14, ”Many are called but few are chosen.” Why are there just a few chosen? Because the many that are called don’t go and get prepared. Preparation time is never lost time.

We have got a precious gem in Dr. Strozier, a real diamond in this lady. She has a vision, a plan, purpose and pursuit, committed and faithful. She is humble enough, when a problem comes up, to take it first to the one who knows all things, our Heavenly Father. He reveals the answer and then she takes it to the school board for final approval.

Just in my short interview with Dr. Strozier, I knew I was in the company of one of God’s generals. My hat is off to you for a job well done. There is no doubt that the Lord moved on me to do this article to encourage Dr. Strozier and also to encourage the reader. Now I can honestly say along with my dad, Dr. Kim Strozier is one of the best superintendents GISD has ever had.

Before I close I want to share another scripture: Joshua 1:9. “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord they God is with thee whether so ever thou goest.” (KJV)

Now I present Dr. Kim Strozier’s interview, in her own words:

“I always knew I would become a teacher from a very young age. It is what I was meant to do. I taught elementary through junior high school. I decided at one point after 10 years in the classroom that I wanted to support the teachers as a principal. I received my degree in administration in 1999 and spent some years helping teachers as an assistant principal and then a principal. I was asked to take a director role in the early 2000s and moved forward in serving as a director of curriculum and accountability. Along the way I knew that I wanted to support a district as a superintendent. I decided to get my doctorate in educational leadership to further my knowledge base and experiences.

“I have been in Gonzales ISD for five years. I am very happy to be here. I am a very humble person at heart and feel that I am blessed to have this opportunity in life. I work with a united and committed board. GISD is also supported by many in the community. We have a cadre of officials in the county and the city that work side by side to keep our students and staff in the best learning environment available and provide opportunities unique to GISD.

“Among many great programs like gardening with the Master Gardeners, our students have benefited from the addition of soccer, dual language, increased dual credit opportunities with Victoria College, and several more opportunities to take vocational courses at the high school level like welding, culinary arts and floral design. This year we will add HVAC and electrical training into the schedule. Grant opportunities from the education foundation have added much technology and increased student participation with the use of iPads in all campuses.

“We are excited to have upgrades and expansions to our facilities. We have had past enrollment growth that initiated a schoolhouse bond. Three of our campuses are undergoing expansions. The high school will have a new secure front entry with a student center that doubles as extra cafeteria space and GISD will open a new pre-kindergarten/Kindergarten center in January of 2017.

“There are many great things happening for GISD. The future will be challenging relative to budget. With the economy changing, the effects to the district are hard considering huge required payments for Chapter 41 and less funding coming to the district. I know that we will get through these tough times together. I am happy to be a part of a great team in GISD and community. We have great kids, principals and leaders supporting ultimately our students and they are reason for our work.”

Thank you Dr. Strozier for allowing us to get to know you better. We appreciate your time and effort put into this article, and we pray many more great years for you and GISD!
